Cambridge Companions - Founders of Religions and Apostolic Fathers

the cambridge companion to JESUS
Two thousand years have come and gone, but still his remains the unfinished story that refuses to go away. Jesus of Nazareth, a Jew from rural first-century Galilee, is without doubt the most famous and most influential human being who ever walked the face of the earth. His influence may at present be declining in a few countries of western Europe and parts of North America, as has from time to time transpired elsewhere. But the global fact is that the adherents of Jesus are more widespread and more numerous, and make up a greater part of the world’s population, than at any time in history. Two billion people identify themselves as Christians; well over a billion Muslims revere Jesus as a prophet of God (Barrett and Johnson 2001). Unnumbered others know and respect his memory as a wise and holy man.

The followers of Jesus live in every country of the globe. They read and speak of him in a thousand tongues. For them, the world’s creation and destiny hold together in him, the wholly human and visible icon of the wholly transcendent and invisible God. He animates their cultures, creeds and aspirations.

the cambridge companion to JESUS

edited by Markus Bockmuehl  2003
Part I The Jesus of history
1 Context, family and formation   CRAIG A.EVANS
2 Jesus and his Judaism   PETER J. TOMSON
3 Jesus and his God   MARIANNE MEYE THOMPSON
4 Message and miracles   GRAHAM STANTON
5 Friends and enemies   BRUCE CHILTON
6 Crucifixion   JOEL B. GREEN
7 Resurrection   MARKUS BOCKMUEHL
Part II The History ofJesus
8 Sources and methods   CHRISTOPHER TUCKETT
9 Quests for the historical Jesus   JAMES CARLETON PAGET
10 The quest for the real Jesus   FRANCIS WATSON
11 Many gospels, one Jesus?   STEPHEN C. BARTON
12 The Christ of the Old and New Testaments   R. W. L. MOBERLY
13 Jesus in Christian doctrine   ALAN TORRANCE
14 A history of faith in Jesus   ROWAN WILLIAMS
15 The global Jesus   TERESA OKURE, SHCJ
16 Jerusalem after Jesus   DAVID B. BURRELL, CSC
17 The future of Jesus Christ   RICHARD BAUCKHAM

the new cambridge companion to ST. PAUL


the new cambridge companion to ST. PAUL

Edited by Bruce W. Longenecker 2020
Part I   Paul, Letters and Communities
- 1 What Do We Find in Paul's Letters?   BRUCE W. LONGENECKER
- 2 Who Was Paul?   PAULA PREDRIKSEN
- 3 What Kind of World Did Paul's Communities Live In?   RICHARD S. ASCOUGH
Part II    The Pauline Letter Collection
- 4 The Thessalonian and Corinthian Letters   MARGARET Y. MACDONALD
- 5 Galatians and Romans   PETER OAKES
- 6 Philippians and Philemon   DOUGLAS A. CAMPBELL
- 7 Colossians and Ephesians    SYLVIA C. KEESMAAT
- 8 The Pastoral Epistles   AMES W. AAGESON
Part III  Paul's Theological Discourse
- 9 What Did Paul Think Is Wrong in God's World?   BRUCE W. LONGENECKER
- 10   What Did Paul Think God Is Doing about What's Wrong?   MICHAEL J. GORMAN
- 11 What Did Paul Think God Is Doing in Christian Communities?  SUSAN GROVE EASTMAN
- 12 How Did Paul Read Scripture?   DAVID LINCICUM
- 13 Did Paul Abandon either Judaism or Monotheism?   MATTHEW V. NOVENSON
- 14 Why Were People Attracted to Paul's Good News?   DAVID G. HORRELL
- 15 How Was the Reception of Paul Shaped in the Early Church?  MARGARET M. MITCHELL
- 16 What Makes Paul Challenging Today?  JOHN M. G.BARCLAY

the cambridge companion to ST PAULthe cambridge companion to ST PAUL

Edited by James D. G. Dunn 2004
Introduction   JAMES D. G. DUNN
Part one Paul's life and work
- 1 Paul's life    KLAUS HAACKER
- 2 Paul as missionary and pastor    STEPHEN C. BARTON
Part two Paul's letters
- 3 1 and 2 Thessalonians   MARGARET M. MITCHELL
- 4 Galatians    BRUCE LONGENECKER
- 5 1 and 2 Corinthians   JEROME MURPHY-O'CONNOR
- 6 Romans    ROBERT JEWETT
- 7 Philippians   MORNA HOOKER
- 8 Colossians and Philemon   LOREN T. STUCKENBRUCK
- 9 Ephesians   ANDREW T. LINCOLN
- 10 The Pastoral Epistles    ARLAND J. HULTGREN
Part three Paul's theology
- 11 Paul's Jewish presuppositions    ALAN F. SEGAL
- 12 Paul's gospel   GRAHAM N. STANTON
- 13 Paul's christology   L. W. HURTADO
- 14 Paul's ecclesiology   LUKE TIMOTHY JOHNSON
- 15 Paul's ethics   BRIAN ROSNER
Part four St Paul
- 16 Paul in the second century   CALVIN J. ROETZEL
- 17 Paul's enduring legacy   ROBERT MORGAN
- 18 Contemporary perspectives on Paul   256 BEN WITHERINGTON, III
the cambridge companion to THE APOSTOLIC FATHERS

the cambridge companion to THE APOSTOLIC FATHERS

Edited by Michael F. Bird
Scott D. Harrower  2021
Introduction   Intriguing and Enigmatic: The Apostolic Fathers and Current Research   SCOTT D. HARROWER
1 The Roman Empire in the Era of the Apostolic Fathers   MICHAEL J. SVIGEL
2 The Image of Jews and Judaism in the Apostolic Fathers  PHILIP ALEXANDER
3 Second-Century Diversity    DAVID E. WILHITE
4 The Jesus Tradition in the Apostolic Fathers    STEPHEN E. YOUNG
5 The Text of the New Testament in the Apostolic Fathers   PAUL FOSTER
6 The Reception of Paul, Peter, and James in the Apostolic Fathers   BENJAMIN EDSALL
7 Between Ekklesia and State: The Apostolic Fathers and the Roman Empire   ANDREW GREGORY
8 Church, Church Ministry, and Church Order DAVID J. DOWNS
9   The Apostolic Mothers   CLARE K. ROTHSCHILD
10 1 and 2 Clement   JANELLE PETERS
11 The Letters of Ignatius   JONATHON LOOKADOO
12 Polycarp's Epistle to the Philippians and the Martyrdom of Polycarp PAUL A. HARTOG
14 The Epistle of Barnabas   REIDAR HVALVIK
15 The Shepherd of Hermas as Early Christian Apocalypse   DAN BATOVICI
16 The Epistle to Diognetus and the Fragment of Quadratus  MICHAEL F. BIRD AND KIRSTEN H. MACKERRAS
17 The Fragments of Papias   STEPHEN C. CARLSON
the cambridge companion to MUHAMMAD

the cambridge companion to MUHAMMAD

Edited by Jonathan E. Brockopp  2010
Part I Muhammad in his world
- 1 The Arabian context of Muhammad's life  WALID A. SALEH
- 2 Muhammad's message in Mecca: warnings, signs, and miracles   URI RUBIN
- 3 Glimpses of Muhammad's Medinan decade    MICHAEL LECKER
Part II Muhammadinhistory
- 4 The Prophet as lawgiver and legal authority   JOSEPH E. LOWRY
- 5 Personal piety   ROBERT GLEAVE
- 6 Muhammad as the pole of existence   CARL W. ERNST
- 7 The Prophet Muhammad in ritual   MARION HOLMES KATZ
- 8 Muslim philosophers' rationalist explanation of Muhammad's prophecy  FRANK GRIFFEL
- 9 Where earth and heaven meet: remembering Muhammad as head of state   ASMA AFSARUDDIN


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