Dictionary of Religious Terms

Dictionary of Religious Terms

Dictionary of Religious Terms

Compiled for GoldenDict by EdwART ☼ 2024
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From the Greek: "holos" (completely) and "kaustos" (burned sacrificial offering). When capitalized, the term usually refers to the Shoah, (a.k.a. Shoa and Sho'ah) the killing of five to seven million of European Jews by the Nazi government during World War II. Sometimes used to refer to the total Nazi extermination program, which included Jews, Roma (a.k.a Gypsies), Russians, Poles, other Slavs, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. totaling ten to fourteen million humans. The Roma refer to the event as the Porajmos (devouring).
Mainline or Mainstream
This is a term that is often used to refer to Christian denominations which are more liberal than Evangelicals. It is not a well-defined word with a universally accepted meaning. In a study comparing Evangelical and mainline denominations, a Princeton University study included the following as large mainline groups: American Baptist Churches in the USA, Episcopal Church USA, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (USA), United Church of Christ, and the United Methodist Church. 1 Some theologians and commentators divide Christianity into three groups: Evangelical, mainline and liberal.
Marriage, terms
Several terms have appeared to differentiate between opposite-sex marriage and same-sex marriage. The former is often called "natural marriage" by religious and social conservatives; their implication is that same-sex marriage is thus "unnatural marriage." It makes sense to many heterosexuals to call opposite-sex marriage "natural" and same-sex marriage "unnatural." However, the reverse is true for gays and lesbians for whom same-sex marriage generally feels natural and opposite-sex marriage unnatural. Conservatives often enclose marriage in quotation marks ("marriage") when referring to gay marriages. This indicates that they do not recognize such marriages as valid. An earlier term "gay marriage" is being phased out and replaced by same-sex marriage. This is largely because not all spouses in these marriages are gay; some are bisexual.
Original Sin
"Fallen man's natural sinfulness, the hereditary depravity and corruption of human nature because of Adam's fall." 1 That is, Adam and Eve's transgression when they disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden fruit opened a gulf between God and humanity. Pollution from that sin has been inherited by all of Adam and Eve's descendents down through over 200 generations to the present day. Some Christians reject the concept of original sin because it punishes individuals for the deeds of their ancestors — the vast majority of whom have died long ago. This is called scapegoating: punishing the innocent for the sins of the guilty. Some have renamed "original sin" to "original blessing" and consider the events in the Garden of Eden to represent the rise, not the fall, of humanity.


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