This book contains (1) the more than five thousand words in the Greek Testament, in alphabetical order. (2) Reference to every passage where those words occur. (3) Every English word which is used to translate the given Greek word. (4) The passages in which the Greek word is translated by each English word, classified and set by themselves, so that the more usual translations are also exhibited. (5) The various readings of the leading critical editions and manuscripts of the Greek Testament. (6) An English index, so that with this book a person who does not know a letter of the Greek alphabet is enabled to find the original for any English word in the New Testament, learn in how many places it occurs, and in how many ways it is translated, so that by examining every passage, he may have the data before him for making up and independent judgment from the facts in the case.
This Greek Concordance obviates the necessity for an exhaustive citation of the passages containing any particular Greek word, and brings us back to the proper sphere of a Lexicon, as a book defining the words contained in the language, with occasional references to passages which illustrate the different meanings; and when equipped with Hudson's Concordance, a manual lexicon of New Testament Greek serves the purpose of the ordinary student.
Greenfield - Green - A Greek–English Lexicon to The New Testament - словарь BibleQuote
Revised and Enlarged by Thomas Sheldon Green with a preface by H. L. Hastings Editor of the Christian, Boston, U.S.A. and A Supplement Prepared by Wallace N. Stearns Under The Supervision of J. H. Thayer, D.D., Litt.D.
Boston, Mass, U.S.A. H. L. Hastings Repository Press, 47 Cornhill
Greenfield - Green - A Greek–English Lexicon to The New Testament - Contents
Abbreviations, Used In The Following Lexicon
Greenfield - Green - A Greek–English Lexicon to The New Testament - Preface
The meaning of words is determined finally by their usage by those who employ them, and the only way to settle the sense of disputed and difficult words is carefully to examine each word in its connection, in all the passages where it is used, and in the light of that examination decide as to its meaning or meanings. In some of the more elaborate lexicons a large number of passages are thus cited, illustrating the use of the words under consideration, and it some cases authors have endeavored to give nearly every passage where a word occurs in the New Testament. This however, cumbers the lexicon with a large amount of material which in most instances is of little use. This examination and comparison of passages, the careful student should make for himself, and his interests in this direction are better served by the use of a concordance; and for those who wish to investigate carefully the meaning of Greek words in the New Testament, ample provision has been made in the Critical Greek and English Concordance, prepared by Prof. C. F. Hudson, under the direction of H. L. Hastings, and revised and completed by the late Ezra Abbot, D.D., LL.D., Profession of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation in the Divinity School of Harvard University.
It is for the accommodation of such students, who know little of the Greek language, but who desire to "search the Scriptures," and of others more scholarly, who yet find it needful to refresh their memories as to the sense of Greek words, that this Lexicon is offered. It was originally prepared by William Greenfield, who was born in London, in 1799, and died there November 5, 1831. He edited Bagster's Comprehensive Bible, a Syriac New Testament, a Hebrew New Testament, and prepared an abridgement of Schmidt's Greek Concordance. In 1830 he was appointed editor of the Foreign Versions of the British and Foreign Bible Society; and though he died at an early age, he had a high reputation as an accomplished linguist.
In preparing his Lexicon of the New Testament, he drew materials from every accessible source; the Lexicons of Parkhurst, Schleusner, Wahl, and Robinson being especially examined and laid under contribution. This Lexicon, issued by Bagster &Sons as a companion for a portable edition of the Greek Testament, served an excellent purpose. At a later date it was carefully revised with numerous additions and improvements, by Rev. Thomas Sheldon Green, M.A. and it has received the hearty approval of competent Greek scholars, like the late Professor Ezra Abbot of Cambridge.
Though the body of this Lexicon includes all the words contained in the Received Text of the Greek New Testament, yet in the texts now more or less current, in particular those of Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Westcott and Hort, and the Westminster Revised, certain new words and forms are introduced, not found in the Received Text.
With a desire to give completeness to this Lexicon, a list of these words is presented, with definitions and a record of the places where they occur, at the end of the Lexicon. This list has been prepared by Mr. Wallace N. Stearns, under the supervision of Prof. J. Henry Thayer, of Harvard Divinity School, the successor of the lamented Dr. Ezra Abbot, and one of the revisers of the New Testament, whose arduous labors in the department of sacred lexicography are too well-known to need further mention.
With these statements as to the object and character of this Lexicon, we commit this new edition to the kind of providence of Him whose words of truth are therein expounded, and without whose blessings all labor and effort is but in vain.
H.L. Hastings
Scriptural Tract Repository,
Boston, Mass., June, 1896.
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