Let's face it. Just the word puts some of us on edge. We are excited about learning to interpret the Bible, but the thought of exegetical method evokes a chill. Some textbooks on exegesis do nothing to overcome these apprehensions. The language is dense. The concepts are hard. And the expectations are way too high. However, the skills that we need to learn are ones that a minister of the gospel will use every week.
Exegesis provides the process for listening, for hearing the biblical text as if you were an ordinary intelligent person listening to a letter from Paul or a Gospel of Mark in first-century Corinth or Ephesus or Antioch. This book by Richard Erickson will help you learn this skill. Thoroughly accessible to students, it clearly introduces the essential methods of interpreting the New Testament, giving students a solid grasp of basic skills while encouraging practice and holding out manageable goals and expectations. Numerous helps and illustrations clarify, summarize and illuminate the principles. And a wealth of exercises tied to each chapter are available on the web.
Richard J. Erickson - Preface
This is a book distinguished not so much by it covers as by it removes the "fear factor" of exegesis. There are many guides to New Testament exegesis, but this one is the most accessible--and fun!
It’s one thing for an enthusiastic Bible student to anticipate with excitement the study of the Scriptures in the original languages. It’s another thing for that same student to endure with patience and diligence the long and arduous process of acquiring the necessary tools and skills. It’s yet a third thing to practice those skills faithfully throughout subsequent years, especially amid the unpredictable demands of life and ministry. These three “things” provide an object lesson in a maturing sense of reality. The following chapters reflect that sense of reality as it has dawned upon me during the past twenty years of teaching a course in New Testament exegetical method.
From the outset, in 1984, I used Gordon Fee’s exceptional Handbook as the primary text for the course.1 Its practical aim, abundance of examples, thorough bibliography and annotations, and triple-level approach combined to make it, in my view, the best tool on the market for the job. Its longevity and successive editions confirm the point. Yet, as parades of eager students passed through my classroom, I found myself frequently on the defensive for choosing this textbook. Not that the students themselves had alternatives to suggest! Still, I gradually realized that the very strengths of Fee’s book often worked against its effectiveness.
1 Gordon D. Fee, New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors, 3rd ed. (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2002). Earlier editions: 1983 and (revised) 1993.
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