Работа Priority of John известного британского библеиста Джон А. Т. Робинсона является одной из лучших работ по вопросам авторства, датировки, исторической достоверности Евангелия от Иоанна.
Robinson John - The Priority of John
John Robinson had produced a complete draft of the eight chapters of The Priority of John not long before his final illness was diagnosed in June 19 8 3. At that point he had intended to break off and write the text of the Bampton Lectures for 1984 which would form a shorter and less technical exposition of the same thesis, and then to return to the final making-ready of the larger book. Judging however that he might not be able to carry out this latter task himself, he asked me in that case to see the typescript through to its publication, with the help and counsel of Professor C. F. D. Moule.
(His introduction to this book dates from about this moment, and does not quite correspond to the turn of events.) When a little later he prevailed on Professor Moule to prepare and deliver the Lectures themselves in his place, he felt freed to give his remaining time to unfinished matters not directly connected with the present work.
Вторая половина двадцатого века стала временем смены научной парадигмы в библеистике в отношении одной из самых удивительных книг в составе Нового Завета – Евангелия от Иоанна. Если в первой половине преобладали скептицизм и недоверие к исторической достоверности Евангелия, то уже начиная с 50 годов благодаря работам Персиваля Гарднера-Смита, Чарльза Додда, Реймонда Брауна, Леона Морриса и др. библеисты все больше убеждались в том, что за Евангелием стоит аутентичная традиция, свидетельство очевидца…
Особое место в этом ряду занимает известный британский библеист Джон А. Т. Робинсон. Известный своими довольно либеральными богословскими взглядами, он просто всколыхнул мир науки, когда в работе "Датируя заново Новый Завет” ("Redating The New Testament”) убедительно показал, на каких шатких основаниях строится конструкция поздних датировок книг Нового Завета.
Приоритетным интересом ученого всегда было Евангелия от Иоанна. Еще одна его работа "Priority of John” является одной из лучших существующих работ по вопросам авторства, датировки, исторической достоверности Евангелия. Ее мы и предлагаем членам нашего клуба.
Robinson John - The Priority of John - Editor’s Note
John Robinson had produced a complete draft of the eight chapters of The Priority of John not long before his final illness was diagnosed in June 19 8 3. At that point he had intended to break off and write the text of the Bampton Lectures for 1984 which would form a shorter and less technical exposition of the same thesis, and then to return to the final making-ready of the larger book. Judging however that he might not be able to carry out this latter task himself, he asked me in that case to see the typescript through to its publication, with the help and counsel of Professor C. F. D. Moule. (His introduction to this book dates from about this moment, and does not quite correspond to the turn of events.) When a little later he prevailed on Professor Moule to prepare and deliver the Lectures themselves in his place, he felt freed to give his remaining time to unfinished matters not directly connected with the présent work.
The manuscript behind this book thus lacked the author's final touches. That thèse touches would have included fresh observations and arguments is clear from a mass of références and notes on slips marked 'check' or 'for incorporation' which he passed on to me and invited me to foliow up. In the end however I thought it improper, as well as impracticable, to add to the book in trying to imitate the use he would himself have made of them. At the same time, Dr Robinson intended to make some abridgements, especially in the interests of streamlining the very füll documentation in the footnotes and the occasional excursive or pace-slowing remarks in the text. Again he invited me to carry out this job, but since the publishers kindly applied no pressure in this direction it seemed better in general to leave the text and notes as they stood so that nothing that Dr Robinson thought it worth recording should be lost. What minor improvements and corrections I or Professor Moule have ventured to make have been at points where we feit so certain that he would have concurred that square brackets or the like would have been pedantic.
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"файл в формате DJVU" а где он?
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