What is offered here is similar in approach to the author’s earlier work in a lengthy appendix in volume 3 of The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, edited by C. Brown (Exeter: Paternoster/Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978). But the present contribution differs from that earlier treatment in several important ways.
1. All of the 17 New Testament “proper” prepositions are dealt with.
2. There are many more verses of significance discussed under each of these prepositions.
3. There is a discussion of key repeated phrases that use a particular preposition.
4. All 42 “improper” prepositions are briefly treated, with a detailed consideration of seven theologically significant occurrences.
5. A classification of the use of prepositions in compound words is included; “prepositions in composition often best show their original import” (Robertson 574).
6. The layout is more user-friendly and a Greek font is used.
Harris - Prepositions and Theology in the Greek New Testament
Prepositions and Theology in the Greek New Testament: An Essential Reference Resource for Exegesis
Murray J. Harris
Copyright © 2012 by Murray J. Harris
ePub Edition April 2017: 978-0-310-53105-0
ISBN 978-0-310-49392-1 (hardcover)
Модуль необходимо установить в папку Dictionaries программы BibleQuote. Поиск осуществляется по греческим словам
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