Manser - Complete Topical Guide to the Bible

Martin H. Manser - Complete Topical Guide to the Bible

Martin H. Manser - Complete Topical Guide to the Bible

Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2017. – 656 p.
ISBN 978-1-4934-0613-5
The study of Scripture lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It is therefore important that readers of Scripture are given every means of help so that they may get as much benefit and enjoyment as possible out of reading the Bible. This book is designed to allow its users to appreciate to the full the unfolding of the unity and richness of Scripture by studying its central themes.
What Is Scripture All About?
This book was planned to allow its users to identify and explore the leading topics of Scripture – themes such as God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the human race, sin and salvation, the Christian life, the church and the hope of glory.
This book identifies these and many other key topics and traces them throughout the course of Scripture. In this way the Bible is allowed to speak for itself. The main topics of Scripture are identified, key biblical references are provided and the mutual relationship of topics is set out clearly. Over 2,000 topics detailed in this work cover doctrinal, ethical, historical and cultural subjects. In addition to dealing with the great themes of the Christian message of salvation, the topics also deal with practical issues of Christian living. This approach allows a unifying of Christian wisdom, both theological and practical, for the edification of God’s people.
The Thematic Approach
The approach adopted in this work differs significantly from a lexical approach. A thematic approach is based on related ideas; a lexical approach is based on individual words. The difference between them can be appreciated by considering the topic of “assurance.” A word-based approach would be limited to identifying biblical passages in which words such as “assure” or “assurance” appear. A topical approach, however, goes beyond this and explores all the basic elements of the topic. It identifies its basic ideas, its presuppositions and its consequences, in order that the topic in all its fullness can be unfolded. Thus the material that deals with assurance covers the grounds of assurance (e.g., the knowledge of God, the certainty of his word, the work of the Holy Spirit), the nature of assurance (of a relationship with God, of salvation, of eternal life and a future hope) and the relationship between assurance and the life of faith. An extensive system of cross-referencing allows the dynamic relationship of the many biblical topics to be understood and explored.
The topical approach will be particularly welcomed by those who are preparing studies or talks on biblical topics and wish to ensure that they have included or referred to the central passages within Scripture. It will also be valued by readers of Scripture who become interested in a biblical passage or topic and wish to follow it through to discover other passages of relevance, as well as other biblical topics that cast light on the particular importance of the passage or topic being studied.
The thematic study of Scripture is also important in another respect. Tracing the great biblical topics throughout Scripture allows us to appreciate the essential unity of Scripture. As we trace the unfolding of God’s purposes of redemption throughout the pages of the Bible, we come to appreciate more fully how Scripture bears witness to the same God and his same purposes throughout the great themes that bind it together.
Application of God’s Word
The editors hope that this new work will bring a fresh quality and depth to readers’ understanding and grasp of the riches of Scripture. It is a work that has been designed to meet the many needs of God’s people in today’s world, including personal study of Scripture or in preparation for preaching and teaching.
As a psalmist declared, it is the unfolding of God’s word that brings light and understanding to his people (Ps 119:130). It is the hope and prayer of all those involved in producing this book that this guide to the word of God will help to sustain and nourish the people of God, as they praise, proclaim and adore him for all that he is and all that he has done—and all that he has promised to do.
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The return of something lost or stolen so that the original situation is restored. This central theme of the OT law is supremely fulfilled through Jesus Christ making restitution for Adam’s sin, thus restoring fellowship with God and hope of eternal life.
Reasons for restitution
  • For crimes committed Ex 22:2–3 See also Ex 22:7, 16–17; Lev 6:1–6; 24:17–21; Nu 5:6–7; Eze 33:14–15
  • For accidental loss Ex 22:5–6 See also Ex 21:33–34; 22:10–15
  • For unintentional sin Lev 5:14–16
  • As part of confession Nu 5:5–7
  • In cases of misplaced accusation Ps 69:4
  • The basis of decisions regarding restitution
  • Arbitration Ex 22:8–9
  • The amount of restitution is to exceed the amount stolen Ex 22:1 See also Ex 22:4; Lev 6:5; 2Sa 12:5–6; Pr 6:31
  • Land should belong to its rightful owners 2Sa 9:7
Examples of restitution
  • 1Sa 6:17 The Philistines make restitution for desecrating the ark of God; 1Ki 20:34 Ben-Hadad makes restitution for the cities his father had taken from Israel; 2Ki 8:1–6 The king makes restitution to the Shunammite by returning her house and land; Ne 5:10–12 Nehemiah orders restitution to be made to the poor; Lk 19:8–9 Zacchaeus makes restitution to those he had cheated.
  • The act of restitution is to be motivated by love
  • Ro 13:8–10 See also Mt 5:23–24, 44; Col 3:13–14
  • God promises physical restitution
  • Isa 57:18; 61:3–4; Jer 30:17–18
  • Jesus Christ makes restitution for sin
  • He restores fellowship with God Ro 5:19 See also 2Co 5:21; Heb 9:28
  • He restores the hope of eternal life 1Co 15:21–22 See also 1Co 15:45–49
  • Restitution is made to Jesus Christ
  • Php 2:8–9 Here God’s exaltation of Jesus Christ is seen as restitution to his position of glory. See also Isa 53:10–12
  • Restitution is made to those who make sacrifices for the gospel
  • Mt 19:21 // Mk 10:21 // Lk 18:22 See also Mt 19:29 // Mk 10:29–30 // Lk 18:29–30; Mk 8:35 // Mt 16:25 // Lk 9:24; Jn 12:24–25; Php 3:8–10
See also
  • 2321 Christ as redeemer
  • 2336 Christ, exaltation
  • 5493 retribution
  • 6029 sin, forgiveness
  • 6676 justification
  • 6716 reconciliation
  • 6730 reinstatement
  • 6732 repentance
  • 7370 guilt offering
  • 8154 righteousness
  • 9165 restoration


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