Nave - Nave's Topical Bible Concordance

Orville James Nave - Nave's Topical Bible Concordance

Orville James Nave - Nave's Topical Bible Concordance

Levanger, Norway: TruthBetold Ministry Joern Andre Halseth, 2023. – 1423 p.
ISBN 9788283810059
This is the compilation of Nave's Topical Bible Concordance. It contains 5,320 definitions and 50,965 cross-references. The reason for the high number of cross-references is that each word within a given definition is further linked to its own definition in Nave's Topical Bible Concordance, if such a definition exists.
Nave's Topical Bible Concordance is a book written by Orville James Nave (1841–1917) and published by Thomas Nelson Publishers. Nave was a chaplain in the United States Army and referred to his work as "the result of fourteen years of delight and untiring study of the Word of God." It is a topical concordance of the Bible, and contains Biblical references to 5320 topics. Scripture is quoted over 100,000 times; the same Scripture citation may appear under several headings.
The topic headings are broad, covering many religious concepts, geographical regions, and names of Biblical figures. While theological concepts such as salvation and worship are included, a wide range of topics, such as Biblical references to ropes, are also included. This reflects the author's intention, as stated in the book's preface, to "...note and classify everything found in the Scriptures".
The book took fourteen years to complete. Its original copyrights were 1896 and 1897. Until at least 1907 the book was published by the Topical Bible Publishing Company of Lincoln Nebraska. At least seven editions have been published, based on the King James Version and Revised Version of the Bible. Each verse of the Bible is indexed according to the topics it is classified under. Christian figures such as Billy Graham have endorsed the book.
Throughout this ebook we will write "Nave's" when we refer or speak of Nave's Topical Bible Concordance
Please note that the text for this publication comes from Public Domain and can be found in many different formats on the internet. What makes this publication stand out is the way we have added the cross-references, making it a great tool for you to enjoy.
* * *
1. Father* of Lot* and brother* of Abraham* Ge 11:26-31
2. Son* of Caleb* 1Ch 2:46
3. A Levite 1Ch 23:9
4. Also called CHARRAN*
A place in Mesopotamia* to which Terah* and Abraham* migrated Ge 11:31;
Ge 12:4;
Ge 12:5;
Ac 7:4
Death* of Terah* at Ge 11:32
Abraham* leaves, by divine command Ge 12:1-5
Jacob* flees to Ge 27:43;
Ge 28:7;
Ge 29
Returns from, with Rachel* and Leah* Ge 31:17-21
Conquest of, king* of Assyria* 2Ki 19:12
Merchants of Eze 27:23
Idolatry* in Jos 24:2;
Jos 24:14;
Isa 37:12


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