I have begun with this positive statement to make it clear that I think the gospel of Jesus still has the power to speak to humans and to change their lives today. Christians now, two thousand years later, can share with the first generation of Christian disciples this faith that God encounters humans in and through Jesus, and unites them to the divine life.
In view of this, it may seem unnecessary and even presumptuous to speak of ‘re-thinking Christianity’. Is the Christian faith not something clear and unchangeable, which might need to be re-stated again and again, but which certainly does not need to be re-thought?
However, Christians have hardly ever been content to stay with the basic faith that I have just expressed. They cannot resist providing additional beliefs and interpretations. And these further beliefs turn out to differ from one another enormously. If you look around the world at the varieties of Christian faith that exist, from traditional Roman Catholicism to the Society of Friends (Quakers), from Coptic Christians swinging censors in Egypt to Pentecostalists speaking in tongues in Brazil, it soon becomes very obvious that there are many different sorts of Christian faith - hundreds of them, in fact.
Keith Ward - Re-thinking of Christianity
Oxford, Oneworld Publications, 2007. - 245 pp.
ISBN-13: 978-1-85168-506-6
ISBN-10: 1-85168-506-5
Keith Ward - Re-thinking of Christianity - Contents
1. Strange Messiah
2. Embodied Wisdom
3. The Cosmic Christ
4. Time and Eternity
5. The Triune God
6. Purifying Fire
7. By Faith Alone
8. Critical Faith
9. Eternal Life in the Midst of Time
10. Apprehending the Infinite
11. Christianity in a Global Context
12. From Liberalism to Liberation
13. A Truth that Lies Ahead
Index of Names
Subject Index
Edited by Henco van der Westhuizen – Letters to a Young Theologian
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2022. – 323 p.
Print ISBN: 978-1-928314-98-1
eBook ISBN: 978-1-928314-99-8
Letters to a Young Theologian - Contents
On Ways to Theology
- 1. Hanna Reichel - 2. Jürgen Moltmann - 3. Miroslav Volf (I) - 4. Michael Welker - 5. David Fergusson - 6. Nicholas Wolterstorff
On Hermeneutics, Reading, Writing
- 7. Richard Kearney - 8. Piet Naudé - 9. Karen Kilby - 10. Stanley Hauerwas - 11. Miroslav Volf (II)
On Ways in Theology
- 12. Jan-Olav Henriksen - 13. Katherine Sonderegger - 14. Christoph Schwoebel - 15. Paul T. Nimmo 4 - 16. Kevin Vanhoozer 9 - 17. Bram van de Beek - 18. Daniel Migliore - 19. Wolfgang Huber
On Flourishing, Blossoming, Liberating
- 20. Miroslav Volf (III) - 21. Robert Vosloo - 22. Ellen T. Charry - 23. Emmanuel Katongole - 24. Mitzi Smith - 25. Traci C. West - 26. Allan Boesak - 27. Willie James Jennings - 28. Adam Neder
On Healing, Wholeness, Dignity
- 29. Rachel Muers - 30. Denise Ackermann - 31. Catherine Keller - 32. John de Gruchy - 33. Michael Mawson - 34. Douglas F. Ottati
On Public Life, Science, Interreligious Dialogue
- 35. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm - 36. Graham Ward - 37. Gijsbert van den Brink - 38. Alister E. McGrath - 39. Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen
On Fun, Joy, Imagination
- 40. Johan Cilliers - 41. Cynthia L. Rigby
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