![The Cambridge Companion to American Protestantism The Cambridge Companion to American Protestantism](https://esxatos.com/sites/default/files/7pict/cambridge-companion-american-protestantism-2022.jpg)
Over the last three decades, there has been an explosion of scholarship related to American Protestantism. Hundreds, if not thousands, of monographs and journal articles have appeared on this broad topic across the fields of history, theology, ethics, politics, sociology, and literary studies. Numerous scholarly societies – including the American Academy of Religion, the American Historical Association, the American Society for Church History, and the Southern Historical Association, to name just a few – have taken the breadth and diversity of American Protestantism as a subject for extensive discussions.
Taken collectively, this recent torrent of scholarly activity has dramatically altered and enriched our understanding of American Protestantism. First and foremost, by shifting the focus away from narrow denominational histories and the stories of elite theologians and institutions, recent scholarship has yielded a much more dynamic understanding of the relationship between Protestantism and American culture. On this front, several early works (relative to the period under consideration) were especially influential: Nathan Hatch ’ s The Democratization of American Christianity (1989), Randall Balmer ’ s Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (1989), David Hall ’ s Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgement (1990), Jon Butler’s Awash in a Sea of Faith (1990), and Roger Finke and Rodney Stark ’ s landmark work, The Churching of America (1992).
The Cambridge Companion to American Protestantism
Edited by Jason E. Vickers and Jennifer Woodruff Tait, 2022
Part I. Historical Overview
- 1. Early America. JONATHAN DEN HARTOG
- 2. From the Revolution to the Civil War. JEFFREY B. WEBB
- 3. The Industrial Age: 1865 – 1945. ANDREA L. TURPIN
- 4. Protestantism and American Culture: From the Vietnam War to 9/11. SKYLAR RAY AND ELESHA J. COFFMAN
Part II. The Religious Culture of American Protestantism
- 5. Bible, Doctrine, and Theology. JASON E. VICKERS
- 6. Worship and Preaching. JONATHAN A. POWERS
- 7. Education. STEVEN HOSKINS
- 8. Work and Vocation. JOSHUA R. SWEEDEN
- 9. Politics and Government. DANIEL K. WILLIAMS
- 11. Gender, Sexuality, and Marriage. ELIZABETH H. FLOWERS AND KAREN K. SEAT
- 12. From Slavery to Black Lives Matter: American Protestants and Race. DENNIS C. DICKERSON
- 13. Faith Healing and Modern Medicine. CANDY GUNTHER BROWN
- 14. Mental Illness. HEATHER HARTUNG VACEK
- 15. Protestant-Catholic Ecumenism and the Meanings of American Freedom. MAURA JANE FARRELLY
- 16. Missions. MELODY MAXWELL
Part III. Theological Traditions
- 17. Anglicanism. ROBERT W. PRICHARD
- 18. The Reformed Tradition. EDWIN WOODRUFF TAIT
- 19. The Lutheran Tradition. MARK GRANQUIST
- 20. Brethren and Mennonite Traditions. WILLIAM KOSTLEVY
- 21. Baptists. NICHOLAS T. PRUITT
- 22. The Stone-Campbell Movement. MARK E. POWELL
- 23. Wesleyan-Methodist and Holiness Traditions. DOUGLAS M. STRONG
- 24. Pentecostalism. CHRIS E. W. GREEN
![The Cambridge Companion to American Methodism](/sites/default/files/cambridge-companion-american-methodism-2013.jpg)
The Cambridge Companion to American Methodism
Edited by Jason E. Vickers, 2013
- Introduction. Jason E. Vickers
Part I. The Making and Remaking of American Methodism
- 1. American Methodism: A Theological Tradition. Jason E. Vickers
- 2. Early American Methodism. Russell E. Richey
- 3. American Methodism in the Nineteenth Century: Expansion and Fragmentation. Wendy J. Deichmann
Part II. The Religious Culture of American Methodism
- 5. Revivalism and Preaching. Michael K. Turner
- 6. Sacraments and Life-Cycle Rituals. Karen B. Westerfield Tucker
- 7. Discipline and Polity. Douglas M. Koskela
- 8. Clergy. E. Brooks Holifield
- 9. Laity. Jennifer L. Woodruff Tait
- 10. Asceticism. Maura Jane Farrelly
- 11. Healing. Candy Gunther Brown
- 12. Spiritual Biography and Autobiography. Ted A. Campbell
- 13. Education. Stan Ingersol
Part III. Methodists and American Society
- 14. Methodists and Race. Morris L. Davis
- 15. African-American Methodists and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement. Dennis C. Dickerson
- 16. American Methodist Women: Roles and Contributions. Laceye C. Warner
- 17. Methodists and War. Andrew J. Wood
- 18. American Methodists and Popular Culture. Christopher J. Anderson
![The Cambridge Companion to American Catholicism](/sites/default/files/cambridge-companion-american-catholicism-2021.jpg)
The Cambridge Companion to American Catholicism
Edited by Margaret M. McGuinness and Thomas F. Rzeznik, 2021
Part I. Historical Overview
- 1. American Catholicism ’ s Early Foundations. MAURA JANE FARRELLY
- 2. The Immigrant Church, 1820 – 1908. STEVEN M. AVELLA
- 3. The Catholic Century. JAMES M. O ’ TOOLE
Part II. Catholic Life and Culture
- 4. Catholic Worship. KATHARINE E. HARMON
- 5. Catholic Intellectual Life. WILLIAM L. PORTIER
- 6. Catholic Education. JAMES T. CARROLL
- 7. Social Welfare and Social Reform. MARY ELIZABETH BROWN
- 9. Catholics and Politics. LAWRENCE J. MCANDREWS
- 10. Arts and Culture. DEBRA CAMPBELL
- 11. Anti-Catholicism in the United States. MARK MASSA, SJ
- 12. Gender and Sexuality. JAMES P. MCCARTIN
- 13. American Catholics in a Global Context. ANGELYN DRIES, OSF
Part III. The Many Faces of Catholicism
- 14. American Catholic Laywomen and Feminism. PAULA M. KANE
- 15. Black Catholics. CECILIA A. MOORE
- 17. Asian-American Catholics. ROBERT E. CARBONNEAU, CP
- 18. Cultural Catholicism. TOM BEAUDOIN
Part IV. Conclusion
- 19. US Catholicism in the Twenty-First Century. MARY L. GAUTIER
![The Cambridge Companion to American Judaism](/sites/default/files/cambridge-companion-american-judaism-2005.jpg)
The Cambridge Companion to American Judaism
Edited by Dana Evan Kaplan, 2005
- Introduction. Dana Evan Kaplan
Part I - Historical overviews
- 1 - Preservation to innovation: Judaism in America, 1654–1880. Eli Faber
- 2 - American Judaism, 1880-1945. Lloyd P. Gartner
- 3 - Trends in American Judaism from 1945 to the present. Dana Evan Kaplan
Part II - Themes and concepts
Section 1 - Religious Culture and Institutional Practice
- 4 - Jewish religious denominations. Lawrence Grossman
- 5 - Patterns of American Jewish religious behavior. Chaim I. Waxman
- 6 - Thinking Judaism through: Jewish theology in America. Byron L. Sherwin
- 7 - The essence of American Judaism. Charles S. Liebman
- 8 - Contemporary Jewish education. Isa Aron, Michael Zeldin,, Sara S Lee
Section 2 - Identity and Community
- 9 - The place of Judaism in American Jewish identity. Debra Renee Kaufman
- 10 - The Holocaust in American Jewish life. Lynn Rapaport
- 11 - Long-distance nationalism: American Jews, Zionism, and Israel. Steven T. Rosenthal
- 12 - Life-cycle rituals: Rites of passage in American Judaism. Rela Mintz Geffen
- 13 - Choosing lives: Evolving gender roles in American Jewish families. Sylvia Barack Fishman
- 14 - The body and sexuality in American Jewish culture. David Biale
Section 3 - Living in America
- 15 - The American Jewish urban experience. Nathan Glazer
- 16 - "Sacred Survivial”revisited: American Jewish civil religion in the new millennium. Jonathan Woocher
- 17 - Judaism and democracy in America. Alan Mittleman
- 18 - The economics of American Judaism. Carmel U. Chiswick
- 19 - American Judaism and interfaith dialogue. Yaakov Ariel
Section 4 - Jewish Art in America
- 20 - American midrash: Urban Jewish writing and the reclaiming of Judaism. Murray Baumgarten
- 21 - Recent trends in new American Jewish music. Mark Kligman
- 22 - The visual arts in the American Jewish experience. Matthew Baigell
Section 5 - The Future
- 23 - American Judaism in the twenty-first century. Bruce Phillips
Afterword: The Study of American Judaism: A Look Ahead. Jonathan D. Sarna
![The Cambridge Companion to American Islam](/sites/default/files/cambridge-companion-american-islam-2013.jpg)
The Cambridge Companion to American Islam
Edited by Juliane Hammer and Omid Safi, 2013
- Introduction: American Islam, Muslim Americans, and the American Experiment. Juliane Hammer and Omid Safi
- 1. The Study of American Muslims: A History. Edward E. Curtis IV
- 2. African Muslim Slaves and Islam in Antebellum America. Richard Brent Turner
- 3. Laying the Groundwork for American Muslim Histories: 1865–1965. Sally Howell
- 4. American Muslims in the Contemporary World: 1965 to the Present. Zain Abdullah
- 5. Converts and Conversions. Michael Muhammad Knight
- 6. Demographics, Political Participation, and Representation. Amaney Jamal and Liali Albana
- 7. American Muslims and the Media. Nabil Echchaibi
- 8. Muslims in the American Legal System. Kathleen M. Moore
- 9. Religious Pluralism, Secularism, and Interfaith Endeavors. Rosemary R. Hicks
- 10. Organizing Communities: Institutions, Networks, Groups. Karen Leonard
- 11. Negotiating Boundaries: American Sufis. Gisela Webb
- 12. Religious Normativity and Praxis among American Muslims. Kambiz Ghanea Bassiri
- 13. Muslim Spaces and Mosque Architecture. Akel Ismail Kahera
- 14. Islamic Education in the United States: Debates, Practices, and Institutions. Zareena A. Grewal and R. David Coolidge
- 15. Muslim Public Intellectuals and Global Muslim Thought. Timur R. Yuskaev
- 16. Cultural and Literary Production of Muslim America. Sylvia Chan-Malik
- 17. Muslim Youth Cultures. Su’ad Abdul Khabeer and Maytha Alhassen
- 18. Sexual Identity, Marriage, and Family. Debra Majeed
- 19. Studying American Muslim Women: Gender, Feminism, and Islam. Juliane Hammer
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