The Complete Gospel Parallels is an essential resource for readers and students of the gospels. This book goes beyond the standard gospel parallels. Rather than offering a comparative reading of just the canonical gospels, it gives those who study the gospels in English a one-volume compendium of synopses to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Thomas, Peter, and a few smaller gospel fragments, as well as a synopsis for the reconstructed Sayings Gospel (Q). Indeed, this volume highlights the Q Gospel as a text in its own right, enabling the reader to discern, through the relevant parallels, how the text of Q can be derived. Likewise, The Complete Gospel Parallels takes the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Peter, and the other fragmentary gospels seriously as part of the ancient data base. Moreover, the parallels from the Gospel of John will present surprising and suggestive lines of research and investigation to the discerning reader.
The Complete Gospel Parallels is designed to enable readers to study the similarities and differences between and among these ancient texts. Its broad range of material will enhance and deepen the reader’s questions and appreciation of early Christian tradition and literature. Once a reader sees that material in the Gospel of Thomas or Peter, or a fragment from Oxyrhynchus, parallels a saying or story in a well-known canonical gospel, the investigation into early Christian origins moves to an entirely different level.
A New Translation (The Scholars Version)
This book features the fresh and vibrant translation of the Scholars Version (SV), which was thoroughly revised in 2010 for the fourth edition of The Complete Gospels. The primary aim of the SV is to recreate for the contemporary reader the experience of the original audiences of the gospels. In striving to achieve this ideal, the translators of SV have been guided by three convictions about the original language of the gospels: that it was the language of everyday life, that it was intended to be read aloud, and that it often used ordinary words to express religious meanings. Much of SV’s distinctiveness is the result of its translators’ determination that those qualities of the ancient language should shine through in SV’s contemporary English. (For a fuller introduction to the Scholars Version, see pp. 9-15 of The Complete Gospels.)
Arthur J. Dewey & Robert J. Miller - Complete Gospel Parallels. Synopses of the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke John, Thomas, Peter other gospel fragments and the reconstructed Q Gospel
Salem, Oregon : Polebridge Press, 2012. - 429 pp.
ISBN 978-1-59815-035-3 (alk. paper)
Arthur J. Dewey & Robert J. Miller - Complete Gospel Parallels. Synopses of the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke John, Thomas, Peter other gospel fragments and the reconstructed Q Gospel - Contents
Table of Contents
How to use this book
The Synoptic Gospels
The Gospel of John
The Q Gospel
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Peter
The Egerton Gospel
The Gospel of the Hebrews
The Gospel of the Nazoreans
Gospel Oxyrhynchus 1224
1 Corinthians
Acts of the Apostles
The Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of John
The Q Gospel
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Peter
The Egerton Gospel
The Gospel of the Hebrews
The Gospel of the Nazoreans
Gospel Oxyrhynchus 1224
1 Corinthians
Acts of the Apostles
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