The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary puts the latest and most comprehensive biblical scholarship at your fingertips. Here is everything you need to know to fully understand the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament. An unparalleled resource, The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary explains every aspect of the Bible, including biblical archaeology, culture, related writings such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Bible‘s influence on Western civilization, biblical history, theological concepts, modern biblical interpretations, flora nad fauna, climate and environment, crafts and industry, the content of individual books of the bible, and more.
The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary
An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
1996 - 1256 p., ill
ISBN 0-06-060037-3
General Editor
P.J.A. Paul J. Achtemeier, Th.D.
Jackson Professor of Biblical Interpretation
Union Theological Seminary
Richmond, Virginia
Associate Editors
R.S.B. Roger S. Boraas, Ph.D.
Professor of Religion Emeritus
Upsala College
East Orange, New Jersey
M.A.F. Michael Fishbane, Ph.D.
Nathan Cummings Professor of Jewish Studies
The Divinity School
University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
P.P. Pheme Perkins, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology (New Testament)
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
W.W. William O. Walker, Jr., Ph.D.
Professor of Religion an d
Dean of the Division of Humanities and Arts
Trinity University
San Antonio, Texas
The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary - Features:
- Contributions by 193 noted experts on the Bible and the ancient Near East
- More than 3700 entries covering the Bible from A to Z
- Outlines for each book of the Bible
- 590 black–and–white photographs
- 53 color photographs
- An updated pronunciation guide
- 72 black–and–white maps
- 18 color maps
Dozens of drawings, diagrams, and tables
The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary - Preface
THE PURPOSE OF this dictionary is to make more widely available, and to an audience of nonspecialists, the results of the best of current biblical scholarship. In pursuing that goal, technical language has been avoided wherever possible, and where technical terms are used, they are carefully defined. When persons or places are mentioned, they are identified, and their dates are given with as much precision as is possible. Words in the biblical languages are defined and translated, with the result that information can be gleaned from the articles by persons of widely varying educational backgrounds. Those who know biblical history will learn here the latest results of the best scholarship; those who will here experience for the first time the thrill of the pursuit of historical knowledge will have opened up to them a whole new world of information.
This dictionary stands as the latest in the long line of Harper's Bible dictionaries that have provided help in understanding the world of Scripture. This is, however, a totally new edition. All of the articles have been newly written, illustrations newly selected, and maps newly designed. It also represents a unique venture in the field of publishing since it is the result of a cooperative project between a major learned society, the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), and a major publishing house, Harper &Row. In this joint effort, the Society of Biblical Literature has assumed responsibility for the content of the Dictionary, while Harper &Row has handled matters of format and editorial style. This has assured the widest circulation of what is surely the most authoritative volume in its field.
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