ZondervanCharts Books in the Series
- Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine (H Wayne House)
- Charts of Cults, Sects, and Religious Movements (H. Wayne House)
- Chronological and Background Charts of Church History (Robert C. Walton)
- Chronological and Background Charts of the New Testament (H Wayne House)
- Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament: Revised and Expanded (John H Walton)
- Chronological and Thematic Charts of Philosophers and Philosophies (Milton D. Hunnex)
- Taxonomic Charts of Theology and Biblical Studies (M. James Sawyer)
- Timeline Charts of the Western Church (Susan Lynn Peterson).
H. Wayne House - Charts of Christian theology and doctrine
Zondervan Publishing House, Michigan 49530, 1992 y - 155 p
ISBN 0-310-41661-2
H. Wayne House - Charts of Christian theology and doctrine – Contents
- Prolegomena
- Bibliology
- Theology Proper
- Christology
- Pneumatology
- Angelology
- Anthropology
- Soteriology
- Ecclesiology
- Eschatology
- Bibliography
H. Wayne House - Charts of Christian theology and doctrine - Preface
Putting together this book of charts on theology and doctrine has been a long but fruitful task. Ever since I began teaching theology at LeTourneau University and then at Dallas Theological Seminary, I felt that a basic charts book similar to my Chronological and Background Charts to the New Testament needed to be done. There is no attempt in this volume to provide an exhaustive analysis or overview of theology. Rather, my desire has been to state as fairly as I could different perspectives of various subjects within theology often of interest to or at least encountered by students of theology. Primarily I have followed a classical approach to theology, which may disappoint a few scholars, but I believe this will be more beneficial overall to teachers, students, and laypersons, who comprise those who will mainly use this work. Theology has fallen on bad times in some circles but to those who truly cherish the Word of God and desire to know what God is seeking to reveal to His people, it is a necessary and glorious task. I hope that all those who use this book will gain the kind of value that I have gained from writing it. It is inevitable that different kinds of mistakes occur in producing a book like this with its myriad of details. I will be happy to correct those for future editions as readers make me aware of them.
H. Wayne House
St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1992
Soli Deo Gloria!
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