Scriptural Authority in Early Judaism and Ancient Christianity

Scriptural Authority in Early Judaism and Ancient Christianity
Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies

Авторитет Писания в раннем иудаизме и древнейшем христианстве.


Scriptural Authority in Early Judaism and Ancient Christianity - Edited by  Issac Kalimi, Tobias Nicklas, Geza G. Xeravits - Авторитет Писания в раннем иудаизме и древнейшем христианстве

ISBN 978-3-11-029548-1 e-ISBN 978-3-11-029553-5 ISSN 1865-1666
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.

Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at
Printed in Germany.

Scriptural Authority in Early Judaism and Ancient Christianity - Vorwort - Preface

The Department of Bible at the Sapientia College of Theology (Budapest) organised an international conference entitled "The Concept of Authority in Early Judaism" (18-21 May, 2010). The core of the present volume consists of papers read at that conference. This material has been supplemented by additional papers in order to obtain a more comprehensive corpus.

The authors explore various aspects of scriptural authority from the late Old Testament literature to the emerging Christianity. Along with several recently published volumes, this collection shed light how ancient authors defined authority, how they used earlier texts and traditions when expressing their own thoughts. The readers of the volume obtain an introduction both into the plurality of authorities and the emergence of mainstream authoritative traditions around the turn of the era.

The editors express their gratitude to the editors of the series, especially Prof.s Dr. Friedrich Reiterer and Beate Ego for accepting this volume, to the staff of Walther de Gruyter publishing house and to the contributors for their kind cooperation and their patience. Thanks are due to the staff of the Department of Bible, Sapientia College of Theology for their invaluable help during the conference and to Dr. Heike Hotzinger and Michael Sommer, both assistants at the chair of New Testament Studies at the University of Regensburg for their help in the editorial process of this volume.

April 2013
Isaac Kalimi, Tobias Nicklas & Geza G. Xeravits


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