Authors of books on Jesus’ resurrection often set for themselves one of two tasks. Either they seek to establish, with some assurance, or even beyond a reasonable doubt, that God raised Jesus from the dead, or they seek to establish, with some assurance, or beyond a reasonable doubt, that God did no such thing. The arguments of the former serve to defend deeply held religious convictions. The arguments of the latter aim to dismantle a faith the writers reject or perhaps even loathe. The present volume, which is an exercise in the limits of historical criticism, has a less assertive, more humble agenda. This is not because I am, in my religious sympathies, equidistant from the two entrenched camps—I believe that the disciples saw Jesus and that he saw them, and next Easter will find me in church—but because I am persuaded that neither side can do what it claims to have done.
The following chapters offer nothing sensationalistic. They collect data, make observations, pose questions, develop arguments, and offer suggestions and speculations about this and that. I have no missionary spirit and so no inclination to advise readers as to what religious beliefs they should or should not hold. I am neither belligerent Bible smasher nor enthusiastic evangelist, neither full-fledged skeptic nor gung-ho defender of the faith. I am not assailing the Christian citadel from without, nor am I manning the apologetical barricades under the banner of resurrection. I am rather an embedded reporter, making observations on the unending battle and proffering some provisional judgments, hoping along the way to learn some things and to raise issues others might find worth pursuing.
Probably most readers will close this book with the same beliefs they held when they opened it. It is truly hard to change one’s mind about emotionally charged subjects. We may profess to love the truth, but none of us doggedly wants the truth in the way that a drowning person desperately, unrelentingly struggles for air. What we really long for, if we are candid, is justification of what we already believe. Julian Baggini has observed: "When...an atheist comes across a clever new version of an argument for the existence of God which she cannot refute, she does not say “Ah! So now I must believe in God!” Rather, she says, “That’s clever. There must be something wrong with it. Give me time and I’ll find out what that is.” Similarly, a theist will not lose her belief just because she cannot refute an argument for atheism. Rather, that argument will simply become a challenge to be met in due course."
Dale C. Allison - The Resurrection of Jesus: Apologetics, Polemics, History
Bloomsbury, 2021 - 403 pp.
ISBN - 978-0-5676-9759-2
Dale C. Allison - The Resurrection of Jesus: Apologetics, Polemics, History - Contents
Part I. Setting the Stage
- 1. Overture
- 2. Options
Part II. Historical-Critical Studies
- 3. Formulae and Confessions
- 4. Appearances and Christophanies
- 5. The Story of the Tomb: Friday
- 6. The Story of the Tomb: Sunday
- 7. Resurrected Holy Ones?
- 8. Rudolf Pesch Redivivus?
Part III. Thinking with Parallels
- 9. Apparitions: Characteristics and Correlations
- 10. Visions: Protests and Proposals
- 11. Enduring Bonds
- 12. Rainbow Body
- 13. Cessationism and Seeing Jesus
- 14. Zeitoun and Seeing Mary
Part IV. Analysis and Reflections
- 15. Some Tenuous Arguments: Apologetical
- 16. Some Tenuous Arguments: Skeptical
- 17. Inferences and Competing Stories
- 18. Overreach and Modest Results
Index of References
Index of Authors
Index of Subjects
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