DeKoven - Weaver - Homiletics

Dr. Stan DeKoven - Ernest Weaver - Homiletics - Persuasive and Effective Preaching
What makes for good preaching? Many different opinions could be advanced, depending on the perception and frame of reference of the hearer. Some would say that preaching should be standardized, such as a three point sermon format. Others would say that good preaching must stimulate the intellect; others prefer a focus on the emotions. Actually, an effective preacher will do both. But anointed preaching will always touch the spirit of the hearer, will motivate people to become conformed to the image of Christ.
Funk and Wagnall's Standard Encyclopedia Dictionary (1972) defines preaching as "To advocate or recommend urgently; to proclaim or expound upon; to preach the gospel. To deliver, to give advice, especially in an officious manner."
From this definition we can infer that preaching should advocate or recommend urgently and expound upon the Gospel of Jesus Christ. True preachers advise men and women of their moral obligations before God. Good preaching would thus be any proclamation of the Good News that will stir people with the truth of the claims of Jesus Christ. In this sense, form follows function. That is, the methodology applied should be based upon the purpose of the preaching.
As pastors, teachers, evangelists, or men and women in training for the same, the proclamation of the Word of God is an essential part of our overall ministry. So important is the ministry of the Word that even the needs of the poor widows were considered secondary to it (and to prayer). [Acts 6:3-4] Thus, it must be a primary focus of our calling as men and women of God.
In this book you will learn some of the most important aspects of effective and persuasive preaching, provided to you with keen insight by some master preachers. Each contributor has many years of outstanding preaching and teaching experience, in a variety of fields and settings. Much can be learned from these pages which, when judiciously applied, will enhance the student's ability to communicate the dynamic truth of the glorious Gospel of Christ. As with anything, without practical application the learning process would be incomplete. Our prayer is that application will be made to the "whosoever will" in the highways and hedges of the world.

Dr. Stan DeKoven - Ernest Weaver - Homiletics - Persuasive and Effective Preaching

Second Edition. - Ramona, CA: Vision Publishing, 2004. – 257 p.
ISBN# 1-931178-77-1

Dr. Stan DeKoven - Ernest Weaver - Homiletics – Contents

Preaching: Art or Science?
Introduction to Part One
Part 1 Speaking in Public
                 Chapter One Physical Elements of Speech
                                  Body Language
                                  The Voice
                                  Speaking with Grace
                                  Use the Voice Effectively
                                  Some ways to Emphasize a Point
                 Chapter 2 The Formal Platform Speech
                                  Speech Substance
                                  Informal Conference Room Speech
                                  The Speech of Introduction
                                  The After-Dinner Speech
                                  Listener's Laws for Speech Phraseology
                                  Listener's Laws for Speech Delivery
                                  Suggested Projects
                                  Developing Courage and Confidence
                                  Self-Confidence through Preparation
                                  How Famous Speakers Prepared their Addresses
                                  Some ways of planning a speech
                                  The Improvement of Memory
                                  Keeping the Audience Awake
                                  The Secret of Good Delivery
                                  Platform Presence
                                  How to Open a Talk
                                  How to Close a Talk
                                  Make Your Meaning Clear
                                  How to be Impressive and Convincing
Part II Homiletics - The Art of Preaching
                 Chapter 3 The Preacher
                                  The Personal Qualities of a Good Preacher
                                  Some basic Keys to Good Health
                                  Basic Requirements for Christian Ministry
                                  Personal Qualities
                                  Personal problems
                                  Voice interlude
                                  Some appropriate quotations
                                  On Long Sermons
                                  On Rambling Sermons
                 Chapter 4 The Direction for a Sermon
                                  Five parts to good communication
                                  The Whole Counsel of God
                                  The "Hobby Horse" Syndrome
                                  The "Final Answer" Syndrome
                                  Give the Lord your Best
                 Chapter 5 Preparing a Message
                                  Step One: Think and Pray about the Theme
                                  Step Two: Develop that Theme
                                  Make an Outline
                                  Stories: Meat on the Skeleton
                                  Choosing a Scripture Text
                                  Advantages of Finding the Right Text for the Message
                                  General Principles about Preaching
                                  What should I preach about?
                                  Topics that should get attention
Particular Principles
                 Precautions in the Choice of Texts
                 Interpretation of the Text
                 Chapter 6 The Theme
                                  Gathering Sermon Material
                                  Arranging Sermon Material
                                  Characteristics of a Good Arrangement
                                  Assembling the Sermon
                                  The Body of the Message
                                  The Divisions
                 Chapter 7 Types of Sermons
                 . Running Commentary
                 . Structured Exposition
                 . Topical
                                  Life Situations
                                  Bible Reading
                                  Question and Answer
                                  The Expository Sermon
                 Chapter 8 How to Prepare an Expository Sermon
                                  The Purpose of Expository Preaching
                                  The Value of Expository Preaching
                                  What Should a Preacher Know?
                                  The Danger of "Harping on the Same String"
                                  The Benefits of Expository Preaching for the Preacher
                                  The Benefits of Expository Preaching for the Congregation
                                  Reasons for Scarcity
                                  Speaking as an Oracle of God
                                  Sample of an Expository Outline
                                  Distinctions in the Expository Form
                                  Whole Book
                                  Short Book Exposition
                                  Long Book Exposition
                 Chapter Exposition
                                  Short Passage Exposition
                                  Qualities Requisite for Success as an Expositor
                                  Vocal Expression and the Expository Method
                 Chapter 9 Sermon Divisions
                                  The Theme
                                  The Introduction
                                  Steps in the Main Division of a Sermon
                                  When to Make your Divisions
                                  Three Basic Methods of Making Sermon Divisions
                                  Basic Guidelines for Sermon Structure
                                  Making a Sermon Interesting
                                  Sermon Conclusions
                 Chapter 10 Bible Study Methods
                                  The Deductive Approach
                                  The Inductive Approach
                                  Characteristics of the Inductive Method
                                  Procedure for Inductive Study
                                  The Value of an Inductive Chart
                                  Tools Necessary for Inductive Study
                                  Relation to Expository Preaching
                                  Tools for Bible Research
                                  Keeping a Homiletics File
                 Chapter 11 Sermon Outline Methods
                                  Dynamics of Good Outlining
                                  Types of Sermon Outlines
                                  The Character Outline Method
                                  The Key-Word Method
                                  The Pictorial Outline Method
                                  The Narrative Outline Method
                                  The Synthetic Outline Method
                                  The Contrast Outline Method
                                  The Chapter Outline Method
                                  The Verse Outline Method
                                  The Phrase Outline Method
                 Chapter 12 The Apostle Paul
                                  Exhortations from Paul to Timothy
                                  Exhortations from Other Letters by Paul
                 Annotated Bibliography


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