The Mishnah (“repetition” or “teaching”), the first rabbinic book, composed in Hebrew in the Land of Israel and edited around 200 ce, is an anthology primarily about matters of Jewish practice, ritual, and law. In addition to statements, whether anonymous or attributed to named individuals, the Mishnah contains other literary forms as well, notably lists, disputes, anecdotes, maxims, Scriptural exegesis, and descriptions of the rituals of the Jerusalem Temple. The Sages named in the Mishnah (called collectively tanna’im, “teachers,” sing. tanna) are customarily assigned by modern scholars to distinct generations; the bulk of the named mishnaic Sages belong to either the generation of Yavneh (ca. 80-120 ce) or the generation of Usha (ca. 140-180 ce). (Yavneh and Usha are the names of towns in the Land of Israel, Yavneh in the south not far from Jerusalem, Usha in the north in Galilee, in which the Sages are said to have gathered.) R. Eliezer, R. Joshua, R. Aqiva, and Rabban Gamaliel are some of the prominent Sages of the Yavneh period, R. Meir, R. Judah, R. Simeon, and R. Yose are some of the prominent Sages of the Usha period. Relatively little material is ascribed to named figures who lived before the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 ce. By convention we call the Sages “rabbis” and their work “rabbinic,” because the title “Rabbi” (abbreviated “R.”) regularly appears in their literature.
The Mishnah covers a broad range of topics and is divided into six sections known as “orders” (pl. sedarim, sing. seder); each order in turn is divided into “tractates” (pl. massekhtot, sing. massekhet). There are sixty-three tractates in all. The six orders are: Zera’im (“Seeds”), on the disposition of the agricultural products of the Land of Israel; Moed (“Festivals” or “Set Times”), on Sabbath, festivals, and pilgrimage to the Temple; Nashim (“Women”), on marriage, divorce, and family law; Neziqin (“Damages”), on civil and criminal law and judicial procedure; Qodashim (“Holy Things”), on Temple sacrifices and rituals; and Tohorot (“Purities”), on the maintenance of ritual purity and the removal of ritual impurity. Each of the sixty-three tractates, with exceptions, of course, is devoted to a single topic or cluster of topics. Perhaps the greatest exceptions to the overall pattern are tractate Avot, which has neither legal content nor thematic unity, and tractate Eduyot, a topical miscellany.
The Mishnah is full of legal material but is not a law code, or at least is not obviously a law code. It contains numerous disputes and unresolved arguments; it does not usually state the penalty for the violation of its prescriptions; its coverage is not complete, omitting many vital aspects of its subjects; at no point, except perhaps for the opening chapter of Avot which depicts a chain of tradition linking Moses at Mount Sinai to the mishnaic Sages, does the Mishnah advance a global claim for its authority. If the Mishnah is a law code, it is an odd one.
The Oxford Annotated Mishnah. A New Translation of the Mishnah With Introductions and Notes - Volume I
Edited by Shaye J. D. Cohen Robert Goldenberg Hayim Lapin
Oxford University Press, 2022. - 784 pp.
ISBN 978-0-19-284614-3 (Pack)
ISBN 978-0-19-923970-2 (Vol I)
The Oxford Annotated Mishnah. A New Translation of the Mishnah With Introductions and Notes - Volume I - Contents
List of Figures
List of Contributors
Introduction - Shaye J. D. Cohen and Hayim Lapin
- Tractate Berakhot - Richard S. Sarason
- Tractate Pe’ah - Gregg E. Gardner
- Tractate Demai - Richard S. Sarason
- Tractate Kilayim - Michael Rosenberg
- Tractate Shevi’it - Yair Furstenberg
- Tractate Terumot - William Friedman and Matthew Hass
- Tractate Ma’aserot - Joshua Kulp
- Tractate Ma’aser Sheni - Joshua Kulp
- Tractate Hallah - Joshua Kulp
- Tractate Orlah - Joshua Kulp
- Tractate Bikkurim - Naftali S. Cohn
- Tractate Shabbat - Shaye J. D. Cohen
- Tractate Eruvin - Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert
- Tractate Pesahim - Jonathan Klawans
- Tractate Sheqalim - Miriam-Simma Walfish
- Tractate Yoma - Yonatan S. Miller
- Tractate Sukkah - Jeffrey L. Rubenstein
- Tractate Betsah - Judith Hauptman
- Tractate Rosh Hashanah - Steven D. Fraade
- Tractate Ta’anit - David Levine
- Tractate Megillah - Alyssa Gray
- Tractate Mo’ed Qatan - Gail Labovitz
- Tractate Hagigah - Michal Bar-Asher Siegal
The Oxford Annotated Mishnah. A New Translation of the Mishnah With Introductions and Notes - Volume II
Edited by Shaye J. D. Cohen Robert Goldenberg Hayim Lapin
Oxford University Press, 2022. - 784 pp.
ISBN 978-0-19-284614-3 (Pack)
ISBN 978-0-19-284612-9 (Vol II)
The Oxford Annotated Mishnah. A New Translation of the Mishnah With Introductions and Notes - Volume II - Contents
List of Figures
- Tractate Yevamot - Tal Ilan
- Tractate Ketubbot - Robert Brody
- Tractate Nedarim - Robert Goldenberg
- Tractate Nazir - Robert Goldenberg
- Tractate Sotah - Ishay Rosen-Zvi and Orr Scharf
- Tractate Gittin - David Brodsky
- Tractate Qiddushin -- Gail Labovitz
- Tractate Bava Qamma - Hayim Lapin
- Tractate Bava Metsi’a - Hayim Lapin
- Tractate Bava Batra - Hayim Lapin
- Tractate Sanhedrin - Beth Berkowitz
- Tractate Makkot - David C. Flatto
- Tractate Shevu’ot - Elizabeth Shanks Alexander
- Tractate Eduyot - Shaye J. D. Cohen
- Tractate Avodah Zarah - Christine Hayes
- Tractate Avot - Martin S. Jaffee
- Tractate Horayot - Alyssa Gray
The Oxford Annotated Mishnah. A New Translation of the Mishnah With Introductions and Notes - Volume III
Edited by Shaye J. D. Cohen Robert Goldenberg Hayim Lapin
Oxford University Press, 2022. - 1045 pp.
ISBN 978-0-19-284614-3 (Pack)
ISBN 978-0-19-284613-6 (Vol III)
The Oxford Annotated Mishnah. A New Translation of the Mishnah With Introductions and Notes - Volume III - Contents
List of Figures
- Tractate Zevahim - Aryeh Cohen
- Tractate Menahot - Dvora Weisberg
- Tractate Hullin - Jordan D. Rosenblum
- Tractate Bekhorot - Chaya Halberstam
- Tractate Arakhin - Jonah Steinberg
- Tractate Temurah - Tzvi Novick
- Tractate Keritot - Moulie Vidas
- Tractate Me’ilah - Sarra Lev
- Tractate Tamid - Naftali S. Cohn
- Tractate Middot - Naftali S. Cohn
- Tractate Qinnim - Dalia Marx
- Tractate Kelim - Michael Chernick
- Tractate Oholot - Yehudah Cohn
- Tractate Nega’im - Mira Balberg
- Tractate Parah - Marcus Mordecai Schwartz
- Tractate Tohorot - Yair Furstenberg
- Tractate Miqva’ot - Yonatan Adler
- Tractate Niddah - Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert
- Tractate Makhshirin - Hannah Harrington
- Tractate Zavim - Shlomo Zuckier
- Tractate Tevul Yom - David Levine
- Tractate Yadayim - Leib Moscovitz
- Tractate Uqtsin - Richard Hidary
Appendix: Money, Weights, and Measures
Glossary of Untranslated Hebrew Terms - Robert Goldenberg and Leonard Gordon
Index of Biblical Passages
Index of Names and Subjects
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