Reviewers' comments on the first edition:
Robert Taft, SJ, is unquestionably a liturgical scholar of world-class stature. In this important book, he displays once again his extraordinary command of documentary sources and the historical contexts from which they emerge, as well as his remarkable range of interests: from the formation of the Christian calendar to the evolution of the Byzantine Divine Liturgy. Father Taft writes clearly because he thinks clearly. And he never fails to say what he thinks — in a straightforward, yet always balanced way. Liturgical specialists and non-specialists alike will profit from this book because it addresses questions of concern to both, and in a manner that respects the faith and intelligence of both.
Richard P. McBrien, Crowley-O'Brien-Walter Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
Robert Taft, SJ, is unquestionably a liturgical scholar of world-class stature. In this important book, he displays once again his extraordinary command of documentary sources and the historical contexts from which they emerge, as well as his remarkable range of interests: from the formation of the Christian calendar to the evolution of the Byzantine Divine Liturgy. Father Taft writes clearly because he thinks clearly. And he never fails to say what he thinks — in a straightforward, yet always balanced way. Liturgical specialists and non-specialists alike will profit from this book because it addresses questions of concern to both, and in a manner that respects the faith and intelligence of both.
Richard P. McBrien, Crowley-O'Brien-Walter Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
Robert F. Taft - Beyond East and West. Problems in Liturgical Understanding
2ed. (1997)
Second Revised and Enlarged Edition
Explores the Byzantine Eucharistic liturgy - its beauty, mystery and apparent total lack of logic. This work uncovers the roots of liturgy in Eastern and Western Christianity from historical, theological and practical points of view.
Robert F. Taft - Beyond East and West - Content
List of Abbreviations
Foreword by Thomas J. Talley
Chapter 1. Toward a Theology of the Christian Feast
Chapter 2. Historicism Revisited
Chapter 3. Sunday in the Byzantine Tradition
Chapter 4. Lent: A Meditation
Chapter 5. The Frequency of the Eucharist throughout History
Chapter 6. Ex Oriente Lux? Some Reflections on Eucharistic Concelebration
Chapter 7. Receiving Communion — a Forgotten Symbol?
Chapter 8. The Spirit of Eastern Christian Worship
Chapter 9. “Thanksgiving for the Light.” Toward a Theology of Vespers
Chapter 10. The Structural Analysis of Liturgical Units: An Essay in Methodology
Chapter 11. How Liturgies Grow: The Evolution of the Byzantine Divine Liturgy
Chapter 12. Liturgy as Theology
Chapter 13. What Does Liturgy Do? Toward a Soteriology of Liturgical Celebration: Some Theses
Chapter 14. The Divine Office: Monastic Choir, Prayer Book, or Liturgy of the People of God?
Chapter 15. Response to the Berakah Award: Anamnesis
Robert F. Taft
о. Роберт Ф. Тафт - Иезуит, архимандрит восточного обряда, заслуженный профессор Папского Восточного института, один из крупнейших современных специалистов в области восточной литургики, является автором более 800 научных работ и публикаций в области восточной литургики.
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